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Show Weight Label for Locations (out of date)

Each location on Maply has a weight. The default weight is 1. This weight is a numeric valua for a particular location. It can mean population, population density, earthquake scale, number of shipments, number of Kilograms, number of orders, number of people (employees, students, customers, patients, etc), number of pallets, number of cartons, number of parcels, or anything else you find it useful.

Sometimes, you want to see the weight displayed on the location. This is when Show Weight Label is helpful.

This option is available from Location Layer setting menu. See the image below.

After clicking that option, a pop up window appears. Make sure the checkbox is checked before clicking save.

When your location is a red dot, with Auto Scale on, below is what it could look like. Note that K = thousand, M = million and B = billion

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