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Zip/Postal Code analytics

Have a list of zip / postal codes with you and wondering how they are distributed geographically?

You can easily visualize them on the map with Maply. We show you how to do it using an example.

Here are 100 United Kingdom postal codes in an Excel file (Download it here ).

This “Super Simple” template contains only two columns: 1) Zip / Postal code, 2) country. Follow below steps below to put these zip / postal codes on the map.

  1. Create a new map

  1. Add a location layer

  1. Upload the previously downloaded file (downlink above), which contains 100 UK postal codes, to the newly created location layer.

  1. Adjust the size of the icon if you wish

Below are the resulting map

Marker View

Heat Map View

Cluster Map View

Now do this all over again, this time with your own zip codes replacing the ones in the example file and see what the resulting map look like.

Powered by Google Maps Platform, Maply supports zip codes / postal codes of most countries on earth, including United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, China, Canada, Singapore and other South East Asia countries, etc.

We have noticed that for countries such as Germany, adding city names next to the postal codes can significantly improve the mapping accuracy. Here (Download) is a “Simple” Maply template with 91 postal codes in Berlin, Germany, with city names . It has four columns, instead of 2, slightly more complicated, but the result can be much better.

If you experience accuracy issues with the “Super Simple” template above, it might be a good idea to try this “Simple” template with city names added.

If you encounter problems on supporting of zip / postal codes, please drop us a note to report the issue.

However, do note that the limit is 100 records per upload under the FREE plan. Check out the pricing page if you need higher limits.